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James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish
James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish - Game Gear - Console Portable SEGA
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James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish
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Europe James Pond 3 : Operation Starfish
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Europe 1994
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Allemand James Pond 3 Operation Starfish ist ein 2D-Scrolling-Plattformspiel. Das Gameplay des Spiels kann mit vielen Titeln dieser Zeit verglichen werden. Der Held Pond kann sich von links nach rechts bewegen, in die Luft springen, sich ducken oder Gegenstände benutzen. Das Gameplay des Spiels ähnelt sowohl Mario, da der Held seine Feinde eliminieren kann, indem er auf sie springt, als auch Sonic, was die Geschwindigkeit bestimmter Phasen betrifft.
Anglais The sinister Dr. Maybe is back and only our slickest Special Agent, James Pond, can stop him. Special Agent Finnius Frog can help you get to those hard to reach places with his powerful jumping abilities. Explore more than 100 levels of outrageous fun! Win using an ocean of FI5H gadgets: suction boots, the fruit gun, X-ray specs, a thruster unit, spring boots and a clever fruit suit disguise. Use a special FI5H rocket pack to defeat Dr. Maybe! Fry over 40 different enemies under Dr. Maybe's control and avoid Maybe's mounted guns and missile launchers!
Espagnol Después de su derrota en Robocod, el Dr. Quizás se entera del queso de alta calidad que se encuentra en la Luna. Contrata la mano de obra de las ratas, el Dr. Quizás comienza la la extracción del queso para que pueda conquistar los mercados mundiales y financiar sus operaciones. Con el fin de detener el Dr. Quizás, James Pond, junto con su nuevo compañero, Rana Finnius, el viaje a la luna con el fin de poner fin al Dr. Quizás y su explotación minera.
Français James Pond 3 Operation Starfish est un jeu de plate-forme en scrolling 2D. Le gameplay du jeu peut se comparer à de nombreux titres de l'époque. Le héros, Pond, peut se déplacer de gauche à droite, sauter en l'air, s'accroupir ou encore utiliser des objets. Le gameplay du jeu s'apparente à la fois à Mario, car le héros peut éliminer ses ennemis en leur sautant dessus, ou encore à Sonic pour la rapidité de certaines phases.
Italien Il sinistro Dr. Maybe è tornato e solo il nostro agente speciale più scaltro, James Pond, può fermarlo. L'agente speciale Finnius Frog può aiutarti a raggiungere quei luoghi difficili da raggiungere con le sue potenti abilità di salto. Esplora più di 100 livelli di divertimento oltraggioso! Vinci usando un oceano di gadget FI5H: stivali a ventosa, la pistola della frutta, specifiche a raggi X, un'unità di propulsione, stivali a molla e un intelligente travestimento da frutta. Usa uno speciale pacchetto di razzi FI5H per sconfiggere il Dr. Forse! Friggi oltre 40 nemici diversi sotto il controllo del Dr. Maybe ed evita le pistole montate e i lanciamissili di Maybe!
Portugais James Pond 3 Operation Starfish é um jogo de plataforma de rolagem 2D. A jogabilidade do jogo pode ser comparada a muitos títulos da época. O herói, Pond, pode se mover da esquerda para a direita, pular no ar, agachar-se ou usar objetos. A jogabilidade do game é semelhante tanto ao Mario, pois o herói pode eliminar seus inimigos saltando sobre eles, quanto ao Sonic pela velocidade de certas fases.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .