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Madou Monogatari A - Dokidoki Vacation
Madou Monogatari A - Dokidoki Vacation - Game Gear - Console Portable SEGA
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Madou Monogatari A - Dokidoki Vacation
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   Japon Madou Monogatari A : Dokidoki Vacation
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Role playing games
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Japon 24/11/1995
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Madou Monogatari
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Madou Monogatari 1
Madou Monogatari 4
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Allemand Arle Nadja geht in einen Wald in der Nähe des Hauses ihrer Großmutter, verirrt sich aber unterwegs. Ausgestattet mit den Kräften der Feen des Zauberwaldes, die ihr viele Zaubersprüche beibringen, muss sie ihren Weg neu finden.
Dies war das einzige Spiel, das neu gemacht und auf Sega Gamegear portiert wurde (bekannt als Madou Monogatari: A Doki Doki Vacation), aber es wurden massive Änderungen vorgenommen, wie zum Beispiel andere Feinde. Außerdem gab es Satan als Hauptschurken und Endgegner und ein völlig anderes Intro, in dem Skeleton-T, Sasori Man und Suketoudara einen Cameo-Auftritt haben.
Anglais Four-year old Arle Nadja goes into a forest near her grandmother's house but becomes lost getting distracted by Carbuncle. Along the way, she is granted powers from magic forest fairies, who teach her multiple spells. In the original version, Owlbear is the final boss who you run into constantly.

This was the only game to be remade and ported onto the Sega Gamegear (known as Madou Monogatari: A Doki Doki Vacation), but massive changes were made such as different enemies. There was also Satan being the main villain and final boss, and an entirely different intro where Skeleton-T, Sasori Man, and Suketoudara make a cameo.
Espagnol Arle Nadja, de cuatro años, entra en un bosque cerca de la casa de su abuela, pero se pierde al distraerse con Carbunclo. En el camino, se le otorgan poderes de las hadas del bosque mágico, que le enseñan hechizos múltiples. En la versión original, Owlbear es el jefe final con el que te encuentras constantemente.

Este fue el único juego que se rehizo y portó al Sega Gamegear (conocido como Madou Monogatari: A Doki Doki Vacation), pero se realizaron cambios masivos como diferentes enemigos. También estaba Satanás como el principal villano y jefe final, y una introducción completamente diferente donde Skeleton-T, Sasori Man y Suketoudara hacen un cameo.
Français Arle Nadja va dans une forêt près de la maison de sa grand-mère , mais, distraite, se perd en chemin. Dotée du pouvoirs des fées de la forêt magique , qui lui enseignent ses multiples sorts, elle devra retrouver sa route.
Italien Arle Nadja, di quattro anni, va in un bosco vicino alla casa di sua nonna, ma si perde e viene distratta da Carbuncle. Lungo la strada, le vengono concessi poteri dalle fate magiche della foresta, che le insegnano molteplici incantesimi. Nella versione originale, Owlbear è il boss finale che incontri costantemente.

Questo è stato l'unico gioco ad essere rifatto e portato su Sega Gamegear (noto come Madou Monogatari: A Doki Doki Vacation), ma sono stati apportati enormi cambiamenti come diversi nemici. C'era anche Satan come il cattivo principale e il boss finale, e un'introduzione completamente diversa in cui Skeleton-T, Sasori Man e Suketoudara fanno un cameo.
Portugais Arle Nadja vai para uma floresta perto da casa da avó, mas, distraída, se perde no caminho. Dotada dos poderes das fadas da floresta mágica, que a ensinam seus múltiplos feitiços, ela terá que encontrar seu caminho.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .