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Doom - Super Nintendo MSU-1 - Console Nintendo
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Conn & Cubear
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Shooter / 1st person
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Monde 2022
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Allemand Die Union Aerospace Corporation hat mit Teleportationstechnologie auf den Monden des Mars, Phobos und Deimos experimentiert. Nach einigen anfänglichen Erfolgen geht etwas schief. Es scheint, dass die Wissenschaftler eine direkte Tür zur Hölle geöffnet haben. Die Basis von Phobos wird von dämonischen Kreaturen überfallen und Deimos verschwindet einfach. Ein Geschwader von Marines wird nach Phobos geschickt, aber alle, bis auf einen, werden schnell massakriert. Jetzt liegt es an der überlebenden Marine, ein paar Waffen zu ergreifen und die Dämonen zu kontern.
Anglais The Union Aerospace Corporation has been experimenting with teleportation technology on Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos. After early successes, something goes wrong. It seems the scientists have opened a gateway straight to Hell. Phobos base is overrun with demonic creatures, and the whole of Deimos simply vanishes. A squad of marines is sent to Phobos, but all except one are quickly slaughtered. It falls to the surviving marine to grab some guns and strike back at the demons.
id Software's follow-up to their genre-defining Wolfenstein 3D, Doom is another first-person 3D shooter: full-on action as seen from the space marine's perspective. Like Wolfenstein, the game consists of distinct episodes, playable in any order. The first episode, Knee-Deep in the Dead, takes place in the Phobos base and is freely available as shareware. The full game continues on Deimos in The Shores of Hell and culminates in Inferno, the final episode which takes place in Hell itself (the Sega 32x version lacks this episode).
The basic objective in each level is simply to reach the exit. Since dozens of enemies stand in the way, the only way to get there is by killing them. Switches and buttons must be pressed to advance at certain points and often color-coded locked doors will block the way - matching keycards or skull keys must be found to pass.
Espagnol La Union Aerospace Corporation ha estado experimentando con tecnología de teletransportación en las lunas de Marte, Fobos y Deimos. Después de algunos éxitos iniciales, algo sale mal. Parece que los científicos han abierto una puerta directa al infierno. La base de Fobos es invadida por criaturas demoníacas y Deimos simplemente desaparece. Se envía un escuadrón de marines a Fobos, pero todos, excepto uno, son rápidamente masacrados. Ahora le toca al marine superviviente agarrar algunas armas y contraatacar a los demonios.
Italien La Union Aerospace Corporation ha sperimentato la tecnologia di teletrasporto sulle lune di Marte Phobos e Deimos. Dopo alcuni successi iniziali, qualcosa va storto. Sembra che gli scienziati abbiano aperto una porta diretta all'inferno. La base di Phobos è invasa da creature demoniache e Deimos semplicemente scompare. Una squadra di marines viene inviata a Phobos, ma tutti tranne uno vengono rapidamente massacrati. Ora tocca al marine sopravvissuto afferrare alcune armi e contrattaccare i demoni.
Portugais A Union Aerospace Corporation tem feito experiências com tecnologia de teletransporte nas luas de Marte, Fobos e Deimos. Depois de alguns sucessos iniciais, algo dá errado. Parece que os cientistas abriram uma porta direta para o inferno. A base de Phobos é invadida por criaturas demoníacas e Deimos simplesmente desaparece. Um esquadrão de fuzileiros navais é enviado para Fobos, mas todos, exceto um, são rapidamente massacrados. Agora cabe ao fuzileiro naval sobrevivente pegar algumas armas e lutar contra os demônios.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .