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Rayman Yo! Electoon Wo Sukue!
Rayman Yo! Electoon Wo Sukue! - Saturn - Console SEGA
General Information
General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Rayman Yo! Electoon Wo Sukue!
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Rayman Yo! Electoon Wo Sukue!
Continent Américain
   USA Rayman
Europe Rayman
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Release date(s)
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France 02/10/1995
USA 30/10/1995
Japon 17/11/1995
Europe 01/11/1995
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Allemand In der Welt von Rayman leben die Natur und ihre Bewohner in Frieden, und der Große Protoon sorgt für das Gleichgewicht und die Harmonie in diesem Universum. Bis zu dem Tag, an dem der furchtbare Mister Dark sie stiehlt und die Welt in Chaos und Dunkelheit stürzt. Rayman muss alle Toons finden und retten und dann Mister Dark vernichten, um das Große Protoon zu liefern. Rayman auf Saturn ist eine der Referenzen des Plattformspiels.
Anglais When a villain known only as Mr. Dark appears, trouble brews in Rayman's world. Mr. Dark captures the Toons - source of light and Rayman's friends. With no more light, evil creatures begin to roam, making the world unsafe for everyone. Its up to you, as Rayman, to free your friends and put an end to Mr. Dark's dastardly schemes!

Rayman is side-scrolling platformer starring the titular Rayman, a big-nosed chap with no arms or legs. Rayman can jump and use his hair to hover for a short period of time. He can also attack by throwing his fists, or winding up his fists for a more powerful punch. He can occasionally find special power ups that grant him unlimited flying power, giving him the ability to navigate through tricky mazes.

Aside from the platforming action, the other notable feature of Rayman is its large, detailed and vibrant graphics, which have helped it to stand out from most other similar games in the genre.
Espagnol Cuando aparece un villano conocido solo como Mr. Dark, surgen problemas en el mundo de Rayman. El Sr. Dark captura a los Toons, fuente de luz y amigos de Rayman. Sin más luz, las criaturas malvadas comienzan a vagar, haciendo que el mundo sea inseguro para todos. ¡Depende de usted, como Rayman, liberar a sus amigos y poner fin a los esquemas cobardes del Sr. Dark!

Rayman es un juego de plataformas de desplazamiento lateral protagonizado por el titular Rayman, un tipo de nariz grande sin brazos ni piernas. Rayman puede saltar y usar su cabello para flotar por un corto período de tiempo. También puede atacar lanzando sus puños o enrollando sus puños para un golpe más poderoso. En ocasiones puede encontrar poderes especiales que le otorgan un poder de vuelo ilimitado, lo que le permite navegar a través de laberintos difíciles.

Además de la acción de plataformas, la otra característica notable de Rayman son sus gráficos grandes, detallados y vibrantes, que lo han ayudado a destacarse de la mayoría de los otros juegos similares en el género.
Français Dans le monde de Rayman, la nature et les habitants vivent en paix et Le Grand Protoon maintient l'équilibre et l'harmonie de cet univers. Jusqu'au jour où l'horrible Mister Dark le dérobe, plongeant le monde dans le chaos et les ténèbres. Rayman devra trouver et délivrer tous les toons puis anéantir Mister Dark pour délivrer le Grand Protoon. Rayman sur Saturn est une des références du jeu de plates-formes.
Italien Quando appare un cattivo noto solo come Mr. Dark, sorgono problemi nel mondo di Rayman. Mr. Dark cattura i cartoni animati, la fonte di luce e gli amici di Rayman. Senza più luce, le creature malvagie iniziano a vagare, rendendo il mondo insicuro per tutti. Spetta a te, nei panni di Rayman, liberare i tuoi amici e porre fine agli schemi codardi di Mr. Dark! NnnnRayman è un platform a scorrimento laterale con protagonista Rayman, un ragazzo dal naso grosso senza braccia o gambe. Rayman può saltare e usare i suoi capelli per galleggiare per un breve periodo di tempo. Può anche attaccare lanciando i pugni o arricciando i pugni per un pugno più potente. Occasionalmente può incontrare poteri speciali che gli garantiscono un potere di volo illimitato, permettendogli di navigare attraverso labirinti difficili.

Oltre all'azione platform, l'altra caratteristica degna di nota di Rayman è la sua grafica ampia, dettagliata e vibrante, che hanno aiutato a resistere fuori dalla maggior parte degli altri giochi simili del genere.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .