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Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Adventure - NES - Console Nintendo
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Kirby's Adventure
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Hoshi no Kirby : Yume no Izumi no Monogatari
Continent Américain
   USA Kirby's Adventure
Europe Kirby's Adventure
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Release date(s)
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Japon 23/03/1993
Europe 09/12/1993
USA 01/05/1993
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Allemand Als einziges Kirby-Spiel, das jemals für das NES entwickelt wurde, war Kirby's Adventure ein innovatives Jump'n'Run, in dem Kirbys Kopier-Fähigkeit eingeführt wurde.
Durch Einsaugen von Gegnern kann Kirby Laser abfeuern, in Flammen aufgehen, einen riesigen Hammer benutzen und vieles mehr. Kirby kann auch die Spezial-Power verschiedener Gegner miteinander kombinieren, was manchmal unerwartete Ergebnisse zur Folge hat.
Außerdem gibt es jede Menge Minispiele zu entdecken. Genau wie Kirby steckt Kirby's Adventure voller Überraschungen!
Anglais The Dream Spring, the source of all dreams, has dried up, causing all the dreams of Dream Land to disappear. Now it's up to Kirby to rescue Dream Land!

Kirby's Adventure is an action/adventure side scrolling platform game. As the pink puffball Kirby you will explore numerous, colorful lands with a variety of enemies to defeat. To help out on his journey, Kirby has the ability to eat enemies and spit them out as projectiles. With certain enemies Kirby can capture their abilities and e.g. gain a sword, shoot lasers, or even fly around the level. There are seven different stages, each broken up into multiple levels, and sometimes also containing a couple of bonus mini-games. The game cartridge features a battery backup allowing games to be saved without the need for passwords.
Espagnol La Fuente de los Sueños daba esperanzas y sueños a todos los seres vivos. También era la causante de que los seres vivos tuvieran sueños reparadores y bonitos al dormir. Pero un día todos los seres perdieron la capacidad de soñar en todos los sentidos. El Rey Dedede se estaba bañando en la Fuente de los Sueños, habiendo partido la Varita Estelar, fuente del poder de la Fuente de los Sueños, y repartido entre sus secuaces.
Français Kirby est de retour!
Que serait le Pays des Songes sans rêves? Un cauchemar! Source onirique, la Fontaine des Rêves s'est tarie, privant tout le pays de ses rêves merveilleux! Et c'est Kirby, notre petite boule rondouillarde, qui doit ramener aux Songeurs leurs siestes si agréables!
L'appétit de Kirby pour l'aventure est plus énorme que jamais. Son chemin, il le déblaie en gobant et en avalant de nouveaux ennemis. Un vrai festin! Il peut aussi s'emparer de la capacité du brigand qu'il met au tapis! Avec cette puissance, Kirby peut peaufiner vingt astuces toutes nouvelles qui l'aideront à progresser dans le Pays des Songes devenu Cauchemar!
Kirby's Adventure regorge de mondes totalement nouveaux à explorer.
Italien La Dream Spring, la fonte di tutti i sogni, si è prosciugata, facendo scomparire tutti i sogni di Dream Land. Ora tocca a Kirby salvare Dream Land!

Kirby's Adventure è un gioco di piattaforma a scorrimento laterale di azione/avventura. Nei panni del palloncino rosa Kirby esplorerai numerose terre colorate con una varietà di nemici da sconfiggere. Per aiutare nel suo viaggio, Kirby ha la capacità di mangiare i nemici e sputarli come proiettili. Con alcuni nemici Kirby può catturare le loro abilità e ad es. ottieni una spada, spara laser o addirittura vola per il livello. Ci sono sette diverse fasi, ciascuna suddivisa in più livelli e talvolta contenente anche un paio di minigiochi bonus. La cartuccia di gioco è dotata di una batteria di backup che consente di salvare i giochi senza bisogno di password.
Portugais Kirby's Adventure é um jogo de ação/plataforma de rolagem horizontal. Nele, você controla a bolinha rosa Kirby, explorando numerosas e coloridas terras com uma variedade de inimigos para derrotar. Para ajudar em sua aventura, Kirby possui a habilidade de engolir inimigos e cuspi-los como projéteis. Além disso, certos inimigos podem ser engolidos e ter a sua habilidade absorvida (por exemplo, Kirby pode ganhar uma espada, disparar lasers ou até mesmo voar pelas fases). Existem sete localidades diferentes, cada uma dividida em múltiplas fases e, algumas vezes, contendo alguns minijogos bônus. O jogo possui opção de salvar o seu progresso, dispensando o uso de passwords.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .