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Lode Runner Twin - Justy To Liberty No Daibouken
Lode Runner Twin - Justy To Liberty No Daibouken - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Lode Runner Twin - Justy To Liberty No Daibouken
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   Japon Lode Runner Twin : Justy to Liberty no Daibouken
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Japon 29/07/1994
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Allemand Alle Süßigkeiten des Königs wurden von Eindringlingen gestohlen, die unten im Kerker leben. Der König ruft die Zwillingshelden Justy und Liberty herbei, um zu versuchen, es zurückzugewinnen.

Lode Runner Twin: Justy to Liberty no Daibouken ist ein Side-Scrolling-Plattformspiel, das vom ursprünglichen Lode Runner für das SNES adaptiert wurde. Allerdings hat sich die Atmosphäre viel karikaturhafter und fröhlicher verändert. Der Spieler steuert entweder Justy oder Liberty und kann sich hin und her bewegen, Leitern erklimmen, Seile überqueren und Löcher in bestimmte Oberflächen graben. Die Feinde fallen dann in diese Löcher und der Spieler kann darüber laufen. Das Ziel in jedem Level ist es, alle Süßigkeiten zu bekommen.

Es gibt auch einen Kampfmodus, in dem Justy gegen Liberty antritt, um zu sehen, wer die meisten Süßigkeiten ergattern kann.
Anglais All the king's candy has been stolen by invaders who live down in the dungeon. The king summons twin heroes: Justy and Liberty to try to get it back.

Lode Runner Twin: Justy to Liberty no Daibouken is a side-scrolling platform game, adapted for the SNES from the original Lode Runner. However the atmosphere has changed to a lot more cartoonish and happy. Controlling either Justy or Liberty, the player is able to move back and forth, climb ladders, cross ropes and dig holes in some types of surface. The enemies then fall into these holes and the player can walk over them. The goal in each level is to get all the candy.

There is also a battle mode that puts Justy versus Liberty to see who can fetch the most candy.
Espagnol Un joven caballero y una sacerdotisa tienen la misión de explorar todas las cuevas mágicas ubicadas debajo del castillo del reino. Su primera tarea es recuperar todos los dulces robados por algunos diablillos grises.
Français Le titre d'action/réflexion Lode Runner Twin : Justy to Liberty no Daibouken sur Super Nintendo reprend le même principe que le premier jeu à la différence que ce n'est plus de l'or que vous devez ramasser, mais des bonbons. Si l'univers cartoon remplace ici les décors caverneux du premier Lode Runner, le concept reste le même. Le joueur peut choisir d'incarner l'un des deux héros : Justy ou Liberty.
Italien Il titolo di azione/riflessione Lode Runner Twin: Justy to Liberty no Daibouken su Super Nintendo utilizza lo stesso principio del primo gioco con la differenza che non è più oro che devi raccogliere, ma caramelle. Se l'universo dei cartoni animati sostituisce qui lo scenario cavernoso del primo Lode Runner, il concetto rimane lo stesso. Il giocatore può scegliere di giocare come uno dei due eroi: Justy o Liberty.
Portugais Todos os doces do rei foram roubados por invasores que vivem nas masmorras. O rei convoca heróis gêmeos: Justy e Liberty para tentar recuperá-lo.

Lode Runner Twin: Justy to Liberty no Daibouken é um jogo de plataforma side-scrolling, adaptado para o SNES do Lode Runner original. No entanto, a atmosfera mudou para muito mais cartoonista e feliz. Controlando Justy ou Liberty, o jogador é capaz de se mover para frente e para trás, subir escadas, cruzar cordas e cavar buracos em alguns tipos de superfície. Os inimigos então caem nesses buracos e o jogador pode passar por cima deles. O objetivo em cada nível é obter todos os doces.

Há também um modo de batalha que coloca Justy contra Liberty para ver quem consegue pegar mais doces.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .