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Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 5 - Playstation - Console Sony
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Final Fantasy 5
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Final Fantasy V
Continent Américain
   USA Final Fantasy Anthology : Final Fantasy V
Europe Final Fantasy Anthology : Final Fantasy V
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Role Playing Game
Release date(s)
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USA 30/09/1999
Japon 19/03/1998
Europe 17/05/2002
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Allemand Begleite Bartz, seinen befreundeten Choboco, die junge Prinzessin Lenna, den amnesiekranken Galuf und den Piratenkapitän Faris auf eine spannende Abenteuerreise. Es gilt, die Zerstörung der vier Kristalle zu verhindern, die ihre Welt zusammen halten. Unter ständigen Gefahren im Kampf gegen einen mächtigen Zauberer müssen sie all ihre Kräfte aufbieten, damit ihre Welt nicht ausgelöscht wird.
Anglais The Elemental Crystals...the life source of the planet. With them, gentle winds blow, the seas are active, fire burns bright, and the earth is full of life. All seems well in the world, until the wind suddenly stops, the sea begin to grow stagnant, the heat of fire becomes scarce, and the earth begins to wither. King Tycoon, sensing a premonition of evil, hurries off to check on the Wind Crystal, only to witness it destroy itself.

Meanwhile, a young traveler named Butz is camping in a field when a giant meteor strikes the planet. When he heads out to examine the meteor, he is shocked to find a young girl named Lenna, who is the princess of Tycoon, and a old man named Galuf, who is on a critical mission. Later, joined by Faris, a pirate captain, the foursome must travel the land in search of the destructor of the Crystals, and save the planet at any cost!

Final Fantasy V featured many new gameplay options and tactics, including an improved Job/Ability system (like in Final Fantasy Tactics), the return of the ATB (Active Time Battle) turn system, and all of the classic FF gameplay you've come to know and love!

Final Fantasy V was released as a stand-alone game in Japan, and again in Final Fantasy Collection. Its U.S. debut was as part of Final Fantasy Anthology. It was also later ported to the Gameboy Advance, adding 4 new Jobs, a new 30-floor dungeon, a bestiary, a music player, the ability to quick save anywhere, a few extra pieces of equipment, and a newly update translation.
Espagnol El ciclo entero de la vida en el mundo es limitado por cuatro cristales, cada uno abastece de su propia fuente energía a la humanidad; del viento que sopla a través de tierras para regar fluyendo a través de los mares, dando vida, dando el fuego caliente a la misma tierra. La fuerza de estos hermosos cristales emite no sólo esta energía, sino encarcela una fuerza mucho más devastadora lejos del mundo. Sin embargo, la energía emitida por estos cristales se ha ido debilitando considerablemente. Cumpliendo con profecías antiguas, un repentino meteorito, paraliza la lluvia sobre el paisaje, haciendo que los cristales se fracturen. El resultado redujo las fuerzas mágicas de los elementos. Peor todavía, como los cristales estallan uno por uno. Un grupo de guerreros, de una princesa a un pirata, a un guerrero joven a un viejo hombre sabio, debe encontrar el valor y la fuerza con el poder de los cristales y de los intentos que encuentran para salvar no un mundo, sino dos.
Français Final Fantasy V est la réédition sur Playstation du deuxième épisode de la célèbre saga de Squaresoft à être sorti sur Super Nintendo. Les quatre cristaux représentant les quatre éléments régissent l'équilibre du Monde, jusqu'à ce qu'une météorite arrive sur Terre. Butz, qui a assisté à la chute de la météorite fait la rencontre de plusieurs personnages et commence une quête pour découvrir qui tente de rompre l'équilibre des cristaux.
Italien I cristalli elementali ... la fonte di vita del pianeta. Con loro soffiano venti gentili, i mari sono attivi, il fuoco arde luminoso e la terra è piena di vita. Tutto sembra a posto nel mondo, finché il vento non si ferma improvvisamente, il mare inizia a ristagnare, il calore del fuoco scarseggia e la terra inizia ad appassire. King Tycoon, percependo una premonizione del male, si affretta a controllare il Cristallo del Vento, solo per assistere alla sua distruzione.

Nel frattempo, un giovane viaggiatore di nome Butz è in campeggio in un campo quando una meteora gigante colpisce il pianeta. Quando esce per esaminare la meteora, è scioccato nel trovare una giovane ragazza di nome Lenna, che è la principessa di Tycoon, e un vecchio di nome Galuf, che è in missione critica. Successivamente, accompagnato da Faris, un capitano pirata, il quartetto deve viaggiare per la terra alla ricerca del distruttore dei cristalli e salvare il pianeta ad ogni costo!
Portugais Final Fantasy V é a reedição para Playstation do segundo episódio da famosa saga Squaresoft a ser lançado no Super Nintendo. Os quatro cristais que representam os quatro elementos governam o equilíbrio do mundo, até que um meteorito chegue à Terra. Butz, que testemunhou a queda do meteorito, encontra vários personagens e começa uma busca para descobrir quem está tentando perturbar o equilíbrio dos cristais.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .