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Gran Turismo 4
Gran Turismo 4 - Playstation 2 - Console Sony
General Information
General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
Information Proposed by
Gran Turismo 4
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Gran Turismo 4
Continent Américain
   USA Gran Turismo 4
Europe Gran Turismo 4
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Number of Players
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Rating Categories
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JV:+7 ans
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Race, Driving
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 22/02/2005
Japon 28/12/2004
Europe 09/03/2005
Additional information
Play Mode(s)
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Local Multiplayer
Split-screen Multiplayer
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Gran Turismo
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Allemand Gran Turismo 4 für PS2 ist eine realistische Automobilsimulation mit nicht weniger als 700 Autos und fünfzig Strecken. Es stehen Ihnen tausende Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Passieren Sie die verschiedenen Strecken, nehmen Sie alle Herausforderungen an, fahren Sie alleine oder im Mehrspielermodus über das lokale Netzwerk, sodass sechs Spieler gegeneinander antreten können. Steigen Sie auch ins Management ein, indem Sie ein stabiler Chef werden. Machen Sie auch Fotos von Ihren Autos in Aktion auf den Rennstrecken.
Anglais GT4 continues in its predecessors' footsteps by offering an extremely large list of cars; the PAL version features 721 cars from 80 manufacturers.

Players now accumulate points by winning races in the normal first-person driving mode, called A-Spec mode. Each race event can yield up to a maximum of 200 A-Spec points. Generally, a win using a car with less of an advantage over the AI opponents is worth more points. Points can only be won once, so to win further points from a previously-won event, it must be re-won using a car with less of an advantage over the AI. There are also the 34 Missions which can yield 250 points each. Despite this, A-Spec points are experience points, not money.
Espagnol Gran Turismo 4 continúa los pasos de sus predecesores para llegar a Playstation 2 de forma mejorada y ampliada en la cuarta entrega de la saga de conducción más famosa. Con muchos más coches y posibilidades, ahora podrás visitar a los principales distribuidores del mundo, tiendas de coches antiguos e incluso de tuning. Y para competir, elige entre pabellones gigantescos o los campos de los suburbios y corre en uno de sus 721 autos de 80 fabricantes.
Français Gran Turismo 4 sur PS2 est une simulation automobile réaliste dans laquelle vous retrouvez pas moins de 700 voitures et cinquante circuits. Des milliers de possibilités s'offrent à vous. Passez les différents circuits, relevez tous les défis, roulez en solo ou en multi via le réseau local permettant à six joueurs de s'affronter. Passez également à la gestion en devenant patron d'écurie. Prenez aussi des photos de vos bolides en action sur les circuits.
Italien GT4 continua sulle orme dei suoi predecessori offrendo un elenco estremamente ampio di auto; la versione PAL presenta 721 auto di 80 produttori.

I giocatori ora accumulano punti vincendo gare nella normale modalità di guida in prima persona, chiamata modalità A-Spec. Ogni evento di gara può generare fino a un massimo di 200 punti A-Spec. In generale, una vittoria usando una macchina con meno di un vantaggio sugli avversari AI vale più punti. I punti possono essere vinti una sola volta, quindi per guadagnare ulteriori punti da un evento precedentemente vinto, è necessario riconquistarli usando un'auto con un vantaggio minore rispetto all'intelligenza artificiale. Ci sono anche le 34 missioni che possono fruttare 250 punti ciascuna. Nonostante ciò, i punti A-Spec sono punti esperienza, non soldi.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .