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Blades Of Steel
Blades Of Steel - Amiga - Ordinateur Commodore
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Blades Of Steel
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Continent Américain
   USA Blades of Steel
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Novotrade Software
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Sports / Hockey
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Regions Information Proposed by
USA 1990
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Allemand Blades Of Steel ist ein Arcade-Eishockeyspiel (das Gameplay erfordert nicht, dass man sich um Statistiken kümmert oder die Teams anpasst). Von Zeit zu Zeit kann ein Kampf ausbrechen, bei dem man die beiden Spieler aus nächster Nähe sehen kann. Der Spieler hat während der Miniaturkampfsequenz die Kontrolle, wobei der Verlierer Zeit auf der Strafbank verbringen muss. Der Schiedsrichter unterbricht die Kämpfe, wenn sie zu lange dauern.
Anglais It's a solid hockey game with 8 teams to choose from. If playing against a friend it's always an exhibition match and there are no difficulty levels. Playing the computer though there are three levels of difficulty and you can play either a single exhibition game or start a tournament.

You control the highlighted player and if you pass the puck to another player you get to control that one. You'll also see the aiming arrow when close to opponents (or your own goal) in which case you can either score (if attacking) or try to block the shot (if defending). The game also includes fights and penalty shootouts. With fights you have to beat the crap out of the opponent and he'll get dragged of the ice into the penalty box by the referee and you'll have power play. With shootouts you'll get to see the goalie face to face (or be one - depending which team is on the shot). The game graphics are solid for the time with some vague details shown but with smooth animations. Tunes are less primitive and the controls are easy enough.

All in all a nice and fun piece of sport gaming, but nothing that will really leave you breathless. You should still try it, especially if you can play against a human opponent, since the game can still provide a few hours fun.
Espagnol Blades Of Steel es un juego arcade de hockey sobre hielo (el modo de juego no requiere que te preocupes de las estadísticas ni de personalizar los equipos). De vez en cuando, puede estallar una pelea, lo que permite ver de cerca a ambos jugadores. El jugador tiene el control durante la secuencia del combate en miniatura, y el perdedor tiene que pasar un tiempo en el área de castigo. El árbitro interrumpe los combates cuando duran demasiado.
Français Blades Of Steel est un jeu de hockey sur glace d'arcade (le gameplay ne nécessite pas de se préoccuper des statistiques ni de personnaliser les équipes). De temps en temps, un combat peut éclater, ce qui permet de voir les deux joueurs de près. Le joueur a le contrôle pendant la séquence de combat miniature, le perdant devant passer du temps sur le banc des pénalités. L'arbitre interrompt les combats lorsqu'ils durent trop longtemps.
Italien Blades Of Steel è un gioco arcade di hockey su ghiaccio (il gameplay non richiede di preoccuparsi delle statistiche o di personalizzare le squadre). Di tanto in tanto può scoppiare un combattimento che permette di vedere da vicino entrambi i giocatori. Il giocatore ha il controllo durante la sequenza di combattimenti in miniatura, e il perdente deve passare un po' di tempo nell'area di rigore. L'arbitro interrompe i combattimenti quando durano troppo a lungo.
Portugais Blades Of Steel é um jogo de hóquei no gelo de arcada (a jogabilidade não exige que se preocupe com estatísticas ou com a personalização das equipas). De vez em quando, pode haver uma luta, que permite ver os dois jogadores de perto. O jogador tem o controlo durante a sequência de combate em miniatura, com o perdedor a ter de passar algum tempo na caixa de penalização. O árbitro interrompe os combates quando estes são demasiado longos.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .