Game name
Game name (by region) |
Platform |
Theme Park |
Theme Park |
Theme Park |
441.307 |
26 |
3 |
1995 |
02/05/1995 |
1995 |
01/04/1995 |








F-22 Interceptor |
F-22 Interceptor |
F-22 Interceptor |
639.275 |
39 |
4 |
1991 |
1991 |
12/02/1993 |
21/11/1991 |








688 Attack Sub |
688 Attack Sub |
688 Attack Sub |
136.032 |
25 |
01/09/1991 |
01/07/1991 |








MiG-29 Fighter Pilot |
MiG-29 Fighter Pilot |
Mig-29 Fighter Pilot |
MiG-29 Fighter Pilot |
Mig-29 Fighter Pilot |
MiG-29 Fighter Pilot |
MIG-29 Fighter Pilot |
478.645 |
28 |
1 |
1993 |
1993 |
1993 |
26/11/1993 |








Air Management : Oozora ni Kakeru |
Aerobiz |
452.442 |
16 |
1992 |
01/11/1992 |








LHX Attack Chopper |
LHX Attack Chopper |
LHX Attack Chopper |
442.929 |
23 |
3 |
1992 |
1992 |
04/06/1993 |
01/08/1992 |








Air Management II : Koukuuou o Mezase |
Aerobiz Supersonic |
495.197 |
39 |
1994 |
18/02/1994 |








F-117 Night Storm |
F-117 Night Storm |
F-117 Night Storm |
F-117 Night Storm |
F-117 Stealth : Operation, Night Storm |
F-117 Night Storm |
F-117 Night Storm |
444.958 |
21 |
1993 |
1993 |
27/05/1994 |
23/12/1993 |








Steel Talons |
Steel Talons |
Steel Talons |
Steel Talons |
Steel Talons |
459.636 |
34 |
1992 |
1992 |
1992 |
25/06/1993 |
1992 |








Bass Masters Classic |
374.000 |
13 |
1995 |








Star Trek, Starfleet Academy : Starship Bridg... |
Star Trek : Starfleet Academy - Starship Brid... |
574.379 |
21 |
1 |
31/01/1995 |
01/12/1994 |








Super Air Diver |
Super Air Diver |
Lock On |
641.089 |
16 |
1 |
16/07/1993 |
01/10/1993 |
01/11/1993 |








Turn and Burn : No-Fly Zone |
Turn and Burn : No-Fly Zone |
Super Dogfight |
Turn and Burn : No-Fly Zone |
656.654 |
20 |
1 |
01/02/1994 |
24/06/1994 |
08/08/1994 |








Theme Park |
Theme Park |
449.275 |
18 |
2 |
15/12/1995 |
11/11/1996 |








909.881 |
33 |
2 |
13/08/1991 |
26/04/1991 |
24/09/1992 |








SimCity 2000 : The Ultimate City Simulator |
SimCity 2000 |
SimCity 2000 : The Ultimate City Simulator |
641.978 |
22 |
01/11/1996 |
26/05/1995 |
19/12/1996 |








Pilotwings |
Pilotwings |
Pilotwings |
810.176 |
29 |
2 |
21/01/1993 |
21/12/1990 |
13/08/1991 |








Blazing Skies |
Sky Mission |
Wings 2 : Aces High |
707.237 |
27 |
1 |
29/09/1992 |
01/10/1992 |
21/01/1993 |








SimEarth : The Living Planet |
SimEarth : The Living Planet |
521.663 |
17 |
2 |
01/02/1993 |
29/12/1991 |








Air Management II : Koukuu Ou o Mezase |
Aerobiz Supersonic |
624.083 |
19 |
2 |
1993 |
02/04/1993 |








Air Management : Oozora ni Kakeru |
Aerobiz |
666.472 |
29 |
1 |
01/02/1993 |
05/04/1992 |








Carrier Aces |
Carrier Aces |
Carrier Aces |
618.037 |
28 |








Super Battletank 2 |
Super Battletank 2 |
Super Battletank 2 |
Super Battletank 2 |
640.090 |
23 |
1 |
02/01/1994 |
27/05/1994 |
08/08/1994 |








Super Strike Eagle |
F-15 Super Strike Eagle |
Super Strike Eagle |
579.877 |
19 |
1 |
01/03/1993 |
25/11/1993 |
26/11/1993 |








Steel Talons |
431.771 |
11 |
1 |
02/11/1993 |








Pocket Music |
160.790 |
4 |
28/02/2002 |







Total Soccer Manager |
Guy Roux Manager 2002 |
147.930 |
7 |
06/06/2002 |
16/05/2001 |







Poke Inu |
Pocket Dogs |
224.170 |
7 |
09/12/2004 |
22/12/2005 |







Dogz : Fashion |
Oshare Wanko |
Dogz : Fashion |
273.155 |
12 |
02/09/2006 |
19/09/2006 |
05/03/2004 |







Red Alarm |
143.838 |
8 |
21/07/1995 |
1995 |








Die Sims 2 |
The Sims 2 |
Les Sims 2 |
The Sims 2 |
15.139 |
5 |
04/11/2005 |
24/10/2005 |
03/11/2005 |
04/11/2005 |







Die Sims 2: Haustiere |
The Sims 2 - Pets |
Les Sims 2 : Animaux & Cie |
The Sims 2 : Pets |
15.803 |
5 |
19/10/2006 |
17/10/2006 |
19/10/2006 |








Star Wars Rogue Leader - Rogue Squadron 2 |
Star Wars : Rogue Squadron II |
Star Wars : Rogue Squadron II : Rogue Leader |
90.943 |
11 |
03/05/2002 |
03/05/2002 |
18/11/2001 |
22/03/2002 |








Die Sims brechen aus |
The Sims: Bustin' Out |
Les Sims : Permis de Sortir |
The Sims: Bustin' Out |
16.121 |
5 |
17/12/2003 |
15/12/2003 |
18/12/2003 |








Die Urbz: Sims in the City |
The Urbz: Sims in the City |
Les Urbz : Les Sims in the City |
The Urbz: Sims in the City |
13.958 |
6 |
12/11/2004 |
15/10/2004 |
09/11/2004 |







Die Sims |
Los Sims |
The Sims |
Les Sims |
The Sims |
17.922 |
6 |
02/04/2003 |
25/03/2003 |
03/04/2003 |
04/04/2003 |








Harvest Moon : A Wonderful Life |
Bokujou Monogatari : Wonderful Life |
Harvest Moon : A Wonderful Life |
35.359 |
8 |
24/06/2004 |
12/09/2003 |
16/03/2004 |
26/03/2004 |








Doshin The Giant |
20.495 |
5 |
02/09/2002 |
20/09/2002 |
20/09/2002 |
14/02/2002 |








FIFA Football 2003 |
FIFA Soccer 2003 |
15.480 |
12 |
31/10/2002 |
31/10/2002 |








Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 |
14.446 |
5 |
13/10/2005 |








Big Mutha Truckers |
21.351 |
6 |
22/09/2003 |








NASCAR 2005 : Chase for the Cup |
12.625 |
3 |
04/09/2004 |







Star Wars : Episode I - Battle for Naboo |
Star Wars : Episode I - Battle for Naboo |
322.935 |
9 |
18/12/2000 |
30/03/2001 |








FIFA 64 |
FIFA Soccer 64 |
269.798 |
9 |
1997 |
28/02/1997 |
01/03/1997 |








219.289 |
9 |
11/09/1998 |
01/11/1998 |








Los Sims 3 |
The Sims 3 |
Les Sims 3 |
The Sims 3 |
18.554 |
8 |
28/10/2010 |







The Sims 2 |
Les Sims 2 |
The Sims 2 - Hachamecha Hotel Life |
The Sims 2 |
32.397 |
8 |
04/11/2005 |
24/10/2005 |








Los Sims 2 : Mascotas |
The Sims 2 : Pets |
Les Sims 2 : Animaux & Cie |
The Sims 2 : Pets |
14.897 |
8 |
26/10/2006 |
31/10/2006 |
27/10/2006 |







The Sims 2 : Castaway |
The Sims 2 : Castaway |
Les Sims 2 : Naufragés |
The Sims 2 : Survival |
The Sims 2: Castaway |
21.925 |
8 |
25/10/2007 |
22/10/2007 |
29/01/2009 |







MySims |
MySims |
Boku to Sim no Machi : Resort ni Genki o Tori... |
MySims |
26.479 |
13 |
20/09/2007 |
18/09/2007 |
06/12/2007 |






