Game name
Game name (by region) |
Platform |
Thunder Force IV |
Thunder Force IV |
Lightening Force : Quest for the Darkstar |
836.197 |
53 |
3 |
1992 |
1992 |
1992 |
24/07/1992 |








Eliminate Down |
Eliminate Down |
327.705 |
16 |
1 |
25/06/1993 |
01/11/1993 |








Gynoug |
Gynoug |
Gynoug |
Wings of Wor |
715.846 |
27 |
4 |
1991 |
25/01/1991 |
1991 |
1991 |








Thunder Force III |
Thunder Force III |
Thunder Force III |
529.047 |
32 |
5 |
1990 |
01/10/1990 |
08/06/1990 |
1990 |
1992 |








Arrow Flash |
Arrow Flash |
Arrow Flash |
539.553 |
23 |
2 |
20/10/1990 |
01/05/1991 |
20/10/1990 |








Truxton |
Truxton |
Truxton |
Truxton |
Tatsujin |
Truxton |
Truxton |
Truxton |
531.497 |
16 |
1989 |
01/11/1990 |
1990 |
09/12/1989 |
1989 |








Xenon 2 : Megablast |
388.560 |
18 |
01/02/1992 |








Battle Mania |
Trouble Shooter |
617.512 |
22 |
1 |
1991 |
1992 |








Forgotten Worlds |
Forgotten Worlds |
Forgotten Worlds |
560.609 |
15 |
1 |
1990 |
18/11/1989 |
01/02/1990 |








Zero Wing |
494.009 |
33 |
31/05/1991 |
01/07/1992 |








Battle Squadron |
Battle Squadron |
513.839 |
24 |
2 |
01/12/1990 |
1990 |








Atomic Robo-Kid |
Atomic Robo-Kid |
514.626 |
30 |
1 |
13/12/1990 |
14/12/1990 |








Galaxy Force II |
522.396 |
17 |
1 |
1991 |
01/02/1992 |
13/09/1991 |








Super Fantasy Zone |
Super Fantasy Zone |
Super Fantasy Zone |
531.172 |
20 |
1 |








Mega SWIV |
389.525 |
17 |
1992 |
01/03/1995 |








Continent Américain |
Granada |
Granada |
Granada |
566.336 |
20 |
1 |
1990 |
16/11/1990 |








Elemental Master |
Elemental Master |
577.451 |
18 |
1 |
1993 |
14/12/1990 |








Desert Attack Helicopter |
Kyuukyoku Tiger |
Twin Cobra : Desert Attack Helicopter |
431.202 |
30 |
5 |
1991 |
22/02/1991 |








Burning Force |
Burning Force |
Burning Force |
622.332 |
26 |
2 |
1990 |
01/12/1991 |
19/10/1990 |








Fire Shark |
Fire Shark |
Fire Shark |
Fire Shark |
Same! Same! Same! |
Fire Shark |
Fire Shark |
676.744 |
34 |
1990 |
01/12/1991 |
01/10/1990 |
02/11/1990 |








Twin Hawk |
Daisenpuu |
391.563 |
13 |
1 |
23/06/1990 |
1990 |








Insector X |
Insector X |
Insector X |
520.071 |
20 |
1 |
1990 |
07/09/1990 |








V-V |
Grind Stormer |
486.047 |
21 |
1 |








Dangerous Seed |
255.055 |
9 |
4 |
18/12/1990 |








Twinkle Tale |
360.791 |
15 |
24/07/1992 |








Viewpoint |
424.530 |
27 |
1994 |
01/11/1994 |








Raiden Densetsu |
Raiden Trad |
410.787 |
13 |








Verytex |
211.328 |
12 |
2 |
1991 |
05/04/1991 |








Fire Mustang |
256.340 |
15 |
31/05/1991 |







WarpSpeed |
336.373 |
16 |
1 |
1993 |
01/07/1993 |








Gunship |
362.750 |
17 |
1993 |
1994 |








Task Force Harrier EX |
Task Force Harrier EX |
430.490 |
21 |
4 |








Divine Sealing |
169.788 |
11 |
1991 |








Master of Weapon |
246.223 |
12 |
27/09/1991 |








SeaQuest DSV |
SeaQuest DSV |
420.317 |
25 |








Fantasy Zone |
Fantasy Zone |
Fantasy Zone |
482.359 |
29 |
01/08/1987 |
01/09/1986 |
15/06/1986 |








Nuclear Creature |
Transbot |
Astro Flash |
Transbot |
428.932 |
26 |
1987 |
01/10/1986 |
22/12/1985 |








484.719 |
21 |
2 |
1988 |
01/12/1988 |
01/10/1988 |








Power Strike |
Aleste |
Power Strike |
495.631 |
21 |
1 |
1988 |
01/12/1988 |
29/02/1988 |
01/10/2003 |








Xenon 2 : Megablast |
369.062 |
18 |
01/10/1991 |
01/10/1991 |








Fantasy Zone II |
Fantasy Zone II : Opa-Opa no Namida |
Fantasy Zone II |
441.168 |
17 |
17/10/1997 |
01/12/1987 |
1988 |








Thunder Blade |
Thunder Blade |
Thunder Blade |
371.656 |
18 |
30/06/1988 |
05/11/1988 |
30/07/1988 |








Alien Syndrome |
Alien Syndrome |
Alien Syndrome |
398.746 |
20 |








Cloud Master |
Cloud Master |
371.727 |
18 |
1989 |
01/08/1989 |








Ace of Aces |
281.121 |
12 |
1991 |








Sapo Xule: S.O.S. Lagoa Poluida |
Astro Warrior |
Astro Warrior |
480.705 |
25 |








Submarine Attack |
295.373 |
11 |
1990 |








Zaxxon 3-D |
Zaxxon 3-D |
Zaxxon 3-D |
Zaxxon 3-D |
332.345 |
14 |
01/11/1987 |
01/03/1988 |
07/11/1987 |








Global Defense |
Global Defense |
427.404 |
23 |
1987 |
18/10/1987 |
01/03/1988 |








Blade Eagle 3-D |
Blade Eagle |
Blade Eagle 3-D |
354.926 |
19 |
1 |
1988 |
01/09/1988 |
26/03/1988 |







