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General Information
All Media
Monochrome logo

Country:  Monde
600x300px 14.2 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)

Country:  Brésil
600x117px 21.1 Ko
upload by dicesibo
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Monde
600x300px 11.04 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Logo Monochrome Vectorial

Country:  Monde
18.9 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Logo Vectorial

Country:  Brésil
12.03 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Europe
15.99 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Japon
5.81 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  USA
15.99 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Monde
66.73 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Carbon Wheel

Country:  Monde
600x300px 90.68 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Blank Carbon Wheel

Country:  Monde
600x300px 101.8 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Steel Wheel

Country:  Monde
600x300px 83.93 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Blank Steel Wheel

Country:  Monde
600x300px 93.48 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Mini icon 21x16

21x16px 14.8 Ko
upload by marblemad
Icon 32x32

32x32px 1.03 Ko
upload by marblemad

Country:  Japon
1024x768px 257.88 Ko
upload by Nyny77
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Monde
640x640px 37.75 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)

Country:  Japon
1920x1080px 72.07 Ko
upload by lauderneto
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  USA
1920x1080px 111.15 Ko
upload by lauderneto
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Monde
1500x1370px 1.07 Mo
upload by pillabichos
Main region and secondary region(s)

Country:  Monde
1000x1000px 36.19 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)

missing media

10.84 Mo
Vidéo d'intro

130.03 Ko
upload by marblemad
Blank Steam Grid

460x215px 80.85 Ko
upload by marblemad
3D Console Box

Country:  USA
1270x1080px 1.27 Mo
upload by Zebrasqual
Main region and secondary region(s)
Fonds d'écrans

Country:  Monde
1920x1080px 232.81 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)

Country:  Monde
1024x512px 358.65 Ko
Blank ScreenMarquee

Country:  Monde
1024x512px 321.19 Ko
Bezel 4:3 Horizontal

missing media
Bezel 4:3 Vertical

missing media
Bezel 4:3 Cocktail

missing media
Bezel 16:9 Horizontal

Country:  Custom
1920x1080px 281.69 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Japon
1920x1080px 543.13 Ko
upload by mikael42
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Monde
1920x1080px 460.71 Ko
upload by mikael42
Main region and secondary region(s)
Bezel 16:9 Vertical

missing media
Bezel 16:9 Cocktail

missing media
Médias Vierges et Gabarits
Blank Rear

Country:  ScreenScraper
484x680px 50.71 Ko
upload by Screech
Main region and secondary region(s)
Blank Edge

Country:  ScreenScraper
95x680px 15.55 Ko
upload by Screech
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Monde
95x680px 15.55 Ko
upload by marblemad
Main region and secondary region(s)
Blank Front

Country:  ScreenScraper
484x680px 33.75 Ko
upload by Screech
Main region and secondary region(s)
Blank HD Logo

missing media
3D Blank Box

Country:  Monde
325x600px 22.07 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Case Template

Country:  Monde
1061x680px 11.04 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Supports Vierges et Gabarits
2D blank support

Country:  Japon
600x692px 88.01 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Monde
600x407px 58.72 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Support Template

Country:  Japon
600x492px 1.93 Ko
upload by Terscreenator
Main region and secondary region(s)
Country:  Monde
600x87px 1.94 Ko
upload by zwabiksoki
Main region and secondary region(s)

32x32px 3.01 Ko
upload by marblemad
32x32px 3.04 Ko
upload by marblemad
32x32px 3.1 Ko
upload by marblemad
32x32px 3.1 Ko
upload by marblemad
32x32px 3.11 Ko
upload by marblemad
32x32px 3.1 Ko
upload by marblemad
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .