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Sims 2 - Pets, The
Sims 2 - Pets, The - Gamecube - Console Nintendo
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Sims 2 - Pets, The
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
Continent Américain
   USA The Sims 2 : Pets
Europe The Sims 2 - Pets
   Allemagne Die Sims 2: Haustiere
   France Les Sims 2 : Animaux & Cie
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JV:+12 ans
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Simulation / Life
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 19/10/2006
USA 17/10/2006
Europe 19/10/2006
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Allemand Bereichere das Leben deiner Sims mit herumflitzenden Welpen, knuddeligen Kätzchen und vielen anderen pelzigen oder gefiederten Freunden. Wähle aus Dutzenden der beliebtesten Hunde- und Katzen-Rassen wie Dalmatinern oder der Amerikanischen Kurzhaar. Oder erstelle eine einzigartige Katze oder einen einzigartigen Hund, indem du Körperform und Gesichtszüge bestimmst, besondere Farben und Kennzeichen festlegst und vieles mehr. Entscheide dich für eine Persönlichkeit - soll dein Tier gerissen, süß, dumm oder faul sein? Deine Sims können ihren Tieren Tricks beibringen, mit ihnen im Park spazieren gehen und unendlich viele andere Dinge mit ihnen unternehmen.
Anglais Sims Have New Friends - Pets! Sims can share their lives with their new pets and add more fun to the Sims experience. From dogs, cats, caged animals and more, your Sims share new friends to experience life's precious moments. With so many different animals to choose from, there's no telling what unpredictable experiences could occur. Create-A-Pet: Choose from dozens of dog and cat breeds or customize features for a one-of-a-kind pet. You can even modify your pet's body shape by choosing from specific colors and unique markings. Don't like the way they act? Change their personality - from smart and sweet to silly and sloppy - anyone can create their ideal animal friend in The Sims 2 Pets. Your Sims can encourage and discipline pets, training them to shake, roll over, play dead, and more. Unruly pets might dig in the yard, claw the sofa, or topple the trash. Thankfully, a little training can go a long way. Create and control digital characters over a lifetime, setting their goals in life from popularity and romance, to fortune and family- their stories are in your hands. Use special codes to share unlockable pet accessories, fur types or markings with other The Sims 2 Pets players. Take your Sims and their pet for a romp at any of the nearby park areas, or head to the Central Town Park which is a favorite of pet owners. While there, watch your pet play well with others while your Sim can meet others and socialize with fellow animal lovers. Visit the adjoining Town Center, a great gathering spot for Sims that evolves over time. Once you've seen the latest styles and decided on a purchase, deck your pet out in the latest clothing and accessories around. From geek to chic and cool to casual, your Sim can customize their pet's look with one stop in the Town Center.
Espagnol Enriquece la vida de tus Sims con cachorros escurridizos, gatitos tiernos y muchos otros amigos peludos o emplumados. Elija entre docenas de las razas de perros y gatos más populares, como dálmatas o americanos de pelo corto. O crea un gato o perro único eligiendo la forma del cuerpo y las características faciales, eligiendo colores y características especiales, y más. Decide una personalidad: ¿tu animal debe ser astuto, lindo, tonto o perezoso? Tus Sims pueden enseñarles trucos a sus mascotas, llevarlos a pasear por el parque y hacer un sinfín de cosas más con ellos.
Français Avec Les Sims 2 : Animaux & Cie sur Gamecube, créez de parfaits animaux de compagnie. Créez d'abord vos Sims, puis choisissez un compagnon parmi les races de chiens et de chats les plus populaires ou créez-en un de toute pièce ! Mais attention, ces petites bébêtes ont leur caractère alors préparez-vous à l'inattendu !
Italien Arricchisci la vita dei tuoi Sims con cuccioli sfuggenti, simpatici gattini e tanti altri amici pelosi o piumati. Scegli tra dozzine delle razze di cani e gatti più popolari, inclusi i dalmati e gli americani a pelo corto. Oppure crea un gatto o un cane unico scegliendo la forma del corpo e le caratteristiche del viso, scegliendo colori e caratteristiche speciali e altro ancora. Decidi una personalità: il tuo animale dovrebbe essere astuto, carino, sciocco o pigro? I tuoi Sims possono insegnare trucchi ai loro animali domestici, portarli a fare passeggiate nel parco e fare una miriade di altre cose con loro.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .