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Doshin The Giant
Doshin The Giant - Gamecube - Console Nintendo
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Doshin The Giant
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Monde Doshin The Giant
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JV:+3 ans
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 02/09/2002
Allemagne 20/09/2002
Europe 20/09/2002
Japon 14/02/2002
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Ab sofort stehen die Videospiel-Fans vor einer wahrhaft großen Herausforderung. In Doshin the Giant schlüpft der Spieler in die Rolle eines gelben Riesen, der zusammen mit winzigen Menschen auf einer Insel lebt. Hier muss man sich mit Hilfe der linken Schultertaste entscheiden, ob man den guten Doshin oder den bösen Jashin spielen möchte. Entscheidet man sich für Doshin, so ist man den Bewohnern wohl gesonnen und unterstützt sie bei ihren täglichen Aufgaben wie etwa die Feldarbeit, der Dörfer. Das steigert seine Popularität und wird mit vielen Herzen belohnt.
Anglais Doshin the Giant is a game where you are god. You are the incarnation of the sun Doshin! As Doshin you may wander Barodu Island in helping you island native worshipers by bringing them trees altering land and, fending off disasters and marauding monsters. The more you help the larger you grow... However it's not easy always being so nice...

With the touch of a button you become the feared Jyashin! Jyashin a winged red Doshin, only wish is to destroy. Using fireballs and his great strength level whole civilizations to feed of the islanders hate and grow larger.By no means is the object of the game just to grow, you know that the villagers must build 16 monuments in your honor... However you know that when this happens a horrible fate will meet the island. Will you chose to forever serve or torment the populace or will you help build the monuments that you know must be built?

The Gamecube version has improved drastically graphically over the previous Kyojin no Doshin 1 on the 64DD although it has less features.
Espagnol Doshin el Gigante es un juego en el que tú eres Dios. Eres la encarnación del sol Doshin! Como Doshin puedes vagar por la isla de Barodu ayudando a tus adoradores nativos de la isla, trayéndoles árboles que alteran la tierra y, evitando desastres y monstruos merodeadores. Cuanto más ayudes, más crecerás... Sin embargo, no es fácil ser siempre tan amable...
Français Doshin the Giant est un jeu de gestion sorti sur Gamecube. Vous incarnez un énorme géant jaune arrivé sur une île. Ici, vous devrez faire attention au développement des habitants en les aidant ou en les punissant au gré de vos envies.
Italien D'ora in poi, i fan dei videogiochi devono affrontare una sfida davvero grande. In Doshin the Giant, il giocatore assume il ruolo di un gigante giallo che vive su un'isola con piccoli umani. Qui devi usare il pulsante sulla spalla sinistra per decidere se vuoi giocare il buon Doshin o il cattivo Jashin. Se scegli Doshin, sei ben disposto verso i residenti e li sostieni nelle loro attività quotidiane, come il lavoro nei campi, nei villaggi. Questo aumenta la sua popolarità ed è ricompensato con molti cuori.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .