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Odama - Gamecube - Console Nintendo
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   Japon Odama
Europe Odama
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JV:+7 ans
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 31/03/2006
Europe 31/03/2006
USA 10/04/2006
Japon 13/04/2006
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Allemand Odama auf Gamecube ist ein Strategiespiel, das im alten Japan spielt. General Yamanouchi Kagetora schwört, den Tod seines Vaters zu rächen, indem er eine schreckliche Kriegswaffe einsetzt: die Odama, eine riesige Kugel, die so mächtig ist, dass sie alles zerstören kann, was ihr in den Weg kommt. Mit hoher Geschwindigkeit auf einem gigantischen Schlachtfeld gestartet, liegt es an Ihnen, das Mikrofon (im Spiel enthalten) zu verwenden, um die Soldaten auf den Feind zu lenken und sie in sicherer Entfernung von der höllischen Kugel zu halten!
Anglais Odama is a quirky pinball title set in ancient Japan. You are in control of a giant steel ball, called the Odama, which you use to crush the enemy army (and hopefully not your own soldiers) so that you have an easier time leading the Ninten Bell to its destination.

The game also takes of advantage of the GCN microphone (included with most versions of the game), which you use to command your troops. You must use the commands and pinball skills to successfully lead the Ninten Bell to its destination before sunset in each mission.

Using the L+R buttons to control the flippers, the X button to activate the microphone, and the control stick to tilt the battlefield, the controls in Odama are quite simple for today's standards. In each mission, you, representing the Yamanouchi clan, try to bring the clan's powerful treasure, the Ninten Bell, as well as the Odama, closer to the Karasuma Keep, headed by the man who betrayed the founder of the Yamanouchi clan. It is there you will exact revenge for his betrayal. Notably, the game features a narrator that talks about the story in Japanese, but there are English subtitles.

The basic goal of each mission is to guide the bell from the bottom to the top of the screen, mowing down the members of the opposing army with the Odama, as well as killing them with your own soldiers. It is important that they are killed because, if they reach your side of the screen, they will make the flippers inactive for a relatively long period of time. When all Odamas are lost or the sun sets, you fail the mission. In addition, you learn commands for your soldiers as you progress through the game. Using these commands, you'll be able to more effectively control your soldiers in many ways. For example, by saying, "press forward," your troops will use all of their strength to try and plow through enemy soldiers. These commands are not only very useful, but in many cases, are vital to your success.

However, use of certain commands and reckless use of the Odama drains your Morale Bar. When this bar is low, your troops will stop responding to your commands, which can and will be disastrous to your mission.

There are also items that the Odama can pick up along the way to aid you. Most notably is one that allows the Odama to convert all members of the opposing army over to yours when it rolls them over.

In merging all of these elements, Odama is a very fast, difficult, and frenzied title. Although it is a pinball game at its core, the voice commands, power-ups, and storyline throw it into a league of its own.
Espagnol Odama para Gamecube es un juego de estrategia ambientado en el antiguo Japón. El general Yamanouchi Kagetora jura vengar la muerte de su padre utilizando una terrible arma de guerra: el Odama, una enorme esfera tan poderosa que puede destruir todo a su paso. Lanzado rapidamente en un campo de batalla gigantesco, depende de ti usar el micrófono (incluido con el juego) para dirigir a los soldados hacia el enemigo y mantenerlos a una distancia segura de la bola infernal.
Français Odama sur Gamecube est un jeu de stratégie situé dans le Japon ancien. Le général Yamanouchi Kagetora jure de venger la mort de son père en se servant d'une terrible arme de guerre : l'Odama, une immense sphère si puissante qu'elle peut tout détruire sur son passage. Lancée à vive allure sur un gigantesque champ de bataille, c'est à vous d'utiliser le micro (inclus avec le jeu) pour diriger les soldats vers l'ennemi et les tenir à bonne distance de la boule infernale !
Italien Odama per Gamecube è un gioco di strategia ambientato nell'antico Giappone. Il generale Yamanouchi Kagetora giura di vendicare la morte del padre usando una terribile arma da guerra: l'Odama, un'enorme sfera così potente da poter distruggere ogni cosa sul suo cammino. Lanciati velocemente in un gigantesco campo di battaglia, sta a te usare il microfono (incluso nel gioco) per dirigere i soldati verso il nemico e tenerli a debita distanza dalla palla infernale.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .