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Sanspo Fishing - Keiryuu Ou
Sanspo Fishing - Keiryuu Ou - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Sanspo Fishing - Keiryuu Ou
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   Japon Sanspo Fishing : Keiryuu Ou
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Hunting and Fishing
Release date(s)
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Japon 22/12/1994
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Allemand Sun Sports Fishing: Keiryuu-Ou ("Sun Sports Fishing: Mountain Stream King") is a fishing game for the Super Famicom. As with many fishing games on the system, the goal is to pick a location from the world map, pick a direction along the stream and fish. The player can seek advice from their mentor and select a different bait/lure configuration from a menu present on the fishing screen.
The game was released exclusively in Japan.
Anglais Sun Sports Fishing: Keiryuu-Ou ("Sun Sports Fishing: Mountain Stream King") is a fishing game for the Super Famicom. As with many fishing games on the system, the goal is to pick a location from the world map, pick a direction along the stream and fish. The player can seek advice from their mentor and select a different bait/lure configuration from a menu present on the fishing screen.
Espagnol Sun Sports Fishing: Keiryuu-Ou ("Sun Sports Fishing: Mountain Stream King") es un juego de pesca para el Super Famicom. Al igual que con muchos juegos de pesca en el sistema, el objetivo es elegir una ubicación del mapa del mundo, elegir una dirección a lo largo del arroyo y pescar. El jugador puede pedir consejo a su mentor y seleccionar una configuración diferente de cebo / señuelo de un menú presente en la pantalla de pesca. El juego se lanzó exclusivamente en Japón.
Français Ca commence avec de nombreux dialogues avec un vieux maître dans les montagnes, comme si on était dans une histoire d'arts martiaux ! On choisit ensuite sur une carte ou commencer à pêcher. On est alors prêts à lancer sa ligne, avec l'habituelle jauge de puissance sur laquelle arrêter un curseur au bon moment avec le bouton A. Si on appuie sur Y en revanche, on peut naviguer dans le système d?icônes en bas de l'écran qui permet d'accéder à la gestion de sa canne et de ses appâts, à quelques conseils, à un calendrier ...
Italien Sun Sports Fishing: Keiryuu-Ou ("Sun Sports Fishing: Mountain Stream King") è un gioco di pesca per Super Famicom. Come con molti giochi di pesca sul sistema, l'obiettivo è scegliere una posizione dalla mappa del mondo, scegliere una direzione lungo il torrente e pescare. Il giocatore può chiedere consiglio al proprio mentore e selezionare una diversa configurazione di esca / esca da un menu presente nella schermata di pesca.
2/3 de Dieu Zwabiksoki
Portugais Sun Sports Fishing: Keiryuu-Ou ("Sun Sports Fishing: Mountain Stream King") é um jogo de pesca para o Super Famicom. Tal como acontece com muitos jogos de pesca no sistema, o objetivo é escolher um local no mapa mundial, escolher uma direção ao longo do riacho e pescar. O jogador pode pedir conselhos ao seu mentor e selecionar uma configuração diferente de isca/isca em um menu presente na tela de pesca. O jogo foi lançado exclusivamente no Japão.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .