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Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion - Gamecube - Console Nintendo
General Information
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Luigi's Mansion
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   Japon Luigi Mansion
Continent Américain
   USA Luigi's Mansion
   Allemagne Luigi's Mansion
   Espagne Luigi's Mansion
   France Luigi's Mansion
   Italie Luigi's Mansion
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JV:+3 ans
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France 03/05/2002
USA 17/11/2001
Europe 03/05/2002
Allemagne 02/05/2002
Japon 14/09/2001
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Allemand Luigis erstes Abenteuer beginnt gleich kurios! Er und sein Bruder Mario haben eine Villa gewonnen. Der Haken an der Sache: Das Haus ähnelt einem Spukschloss und Mario verschwindet plötzlich spurlos. Zum Glück begegnet Luigi Prof.E.Gadd, der ihm bei der Suche hilft und ihm mit einem Spezial-Staubsauger ausrüstet. Damit soll Luigi das Anwesen von lästigen Plagegeistern befreien um dem Spuk ein Ende zu bereiten. Zusätzlich hinterlässt der Professor ihm dem Game Boy Horror, der als Item-Anzeige, Lageplan und Ego-Rundumblick genutzt werden kann. Ein weiteres wichtiges Tool ist Luigis Taschenlampe. Sie blendet die Geister und lässt sie erstarren. So kann der wagemutige Klemper die Geister einfacher fangen. Doch Vorsicht! Jedes Ungeheuer erfordert ein anderes Manöver. Neugierige Gespensterjäger kommen in Luigi's Mansion voll auf ihre Kosten: Hinter Gardinen, Bildern, in Schubladen und Vasen kann man jederzeit nach Hinweisen suchen. Da werden sich die Spieler auf einige Überraschungen gefasst machen müssen.
Anglais Luigi's Mansion pits you as Luigi, Mario's forgotten brother.

Luigi, while checking his mail, found out he won a mansion in a contest. What's weird, is he never entered any contest to begin with. Being the curious person he is, he calls up his brother, Mario, and asks to meet him at the house.

Luigi sets forth through a dark and scary jungle to find the house, but sees that Mario is nowhere to be found. Puzzled, Luigi enters the mansion, only to encounter ghosts. He meets up with a scientist, Professor E. Gadd, who explains the situation and hands over the Poltergust 3000. Luigi must now make his way through the mansion's many rooms, sucking up as many ghosts as he can.

As you explore, you must solve mysteries, collect cash/gems/jewels/coins, and encounter boss characters. Luigi's vacuum has the ability to suck up ghosts that have inhabited this strange mansion. However, the ghosts will not give up so easily. You must struggle with them and pull them back to catch your prey with your trusty vacuum. As you continue to your goal, you must face off with the deceased denizens of the house and the boos that haunt it, and unlock new rooms with the keys you find along the way. You can also gain special abilities for your vacuum, such as the ability to shoot fire, water, or ice. Remember though, treasure is scattered everywhere. Check all the objects for coins and paper money, and who knows, you may just make enough money for Luigi to buy a mansion of his own...

As you explore the strange mansion, the plot slowly unravels and it becomes apparent that something more sinister is going on in that haunted house. Will you ever see your lost brother Mario again?
Espagnol ¡Soy yo... Luigi! Ya es hora de que Luigi deje de ser la sombra de su hermano mayor y se deje acariciar por los focos en este título que se estrena en la consola doméstica de próxima generación de Nintendo, GameCube. Este escalofriante juego fue producido internacionalmente en NCL, Kyoto, Japón, bajo la supervisión del legendario productor de videojuegos Shigeru Miyamoto, y está claro que tiene todos los ingredientes para convertirse en otro clásico de Miyamoto. Está previsto que Luigi's Mansion cause un gran impacto al ser uno de los títulos más esperados del lanzamiento europeo. La aventura se centra en el hermano de Mario, Luigi, a quien no se suele hacer mucho caso, y en su búsqueda para resolver el misterio de una casa encantada y encontrar a Mario, que se ha perdido dentro. Luigi debe avanzar en el interior de la casa, de habitación en habitación, resolviendo misterios sobre la marcha.
Français Luigi a gagné un manoir!
La mauvaise nouvelle, c'est qu'il est rempli de fantômes... et Mario semble en être prisonnier...
Italien La prima avventura di Luigi inizia in modo strano! Lui e suo fratello Mario hanno vinto una villa. Il problema è che la casa assomiglia a un castello infestato e Mario scompare improvvisamente senza lasciare traccia. Per fortuna, Luigi incontra il Prof.E.Gadd, che lo aiuta nella sua ricerca e lo dota di uno speciale aspirapolvere. Luigi dovrebbe liberare la proprietà da fastidiosi parassiti per porre fine allo spettro. Inoltre, il professore gli lascia il Game Boy Horror, che può essere utilizzato come visualizzazione di oggetti, mappa della posizione e vista panoramica dell'ego. Un altro strumento importante è la torcia di Luigi. Acceca gli spiriti e li congela. Questo rende più facile per l'audace Klemper catturare i fantasmi. Ma attenzione! Ogni mostro richiede una manovra diversa. I cacciatori di fantasmi curiosi troveranno i loro soldi in Luigi's Mansion: puoi sempre cercare indizi dietro le tende, le immagini, nei cassetti e nei vasi. I giocatori dovranno essere preparati per alcune sorprese.
Portugais Sou eu... Luigi! Já era tempo de Luigi deixar de ser a sombra do irmão mais velho e se deixar acariciar pelos holofotes neste título que se estreia na consola doméstica de próxima geração da Nintendo, a GameCube. Produzido internacionalmente na NCL, Kyoto, Japão, sob a supervisão do lendário produtor de videogame Shigeru Miyamoto, este jogo arrepiante claramente tem todos os ingredientes para se tornar outro clássico de Miyamoto. Luigi's Mansion está prestes a causar grande impacto como um dos títulos mais esperados para o lançamento europeu. A aventura centra-se no irmão de Mario, Luigi, que muitas vezes é esquecido, e na sua busca para resolver o mistério de uma casa mal-assombrada e encontrar Mario, que se perdeu lá dentro. Luigi deve se mover dentro da casa, de cômodo em cômodo, resolvendo mistérios pelo caminho.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .