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Stealth Atf
Stealth Atf - NES - Console Nintendo
General Information
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Stealth Atf
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Continent Américain
   USA Stealth ATF
Europe Stealth ATF
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USA 01/10/1989
Europe 1990
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Allemand Stealth ATF ist ein Flugsimulator, in dem du eine F-117A, auch bekannt als Nighthawk, in mehreren Missionen steuerst. Es kann von einem oder zwei Spielern gespielt werden, die sich abwechseln.

Zu Beginn und am Ende jeder Mission musst du dein Flugzeug starten bzw. landen, und zwar aus der Seitenansicht. Wenn du nach Erreichen der Zielvorgaben nicht landen kannst, hast du die Mission nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen und musst sie daher erneut spielen. Während des Fluges ändert sich die Perspektive in eine 3D-Ansicht aus dem Cockpit heraus. Das Spiel bietet völlige Bewegungsfreiheit während des Fluges und das Terrain ist unendlich. Feinde tauchen also auch dann wieder auf deinem Radar auf, wenn du außer Reichweite fliegst. Du fliegst an verschiedenen Orten, z. B. im Nahen Osten, in Alaska, im Pazifik, usw. Während des Fluges kannst du auch die Musik abschalten und nur mit den Fluggeräuschen spielen.
Anglais Stealth ATF is a flight simulator in which you pilot a F-117A, a.k.a. Nighthawk in several missions.

In every mission's beginning and ending you have to take off and land your plane respectively, from a side view. If you fail to land after completing the target objectives, you fail to succeed in mission and thus have to replay it.

Your view during the flight is from inside the cockpit, and the gameplay offers total freedom of movement on flight. Your terrain is infinite, and your enemies will re-appear in your radar every time they fly out of range. You fly in different locations, such as the Middle East, Alaska, the Pacific, etc. During flight, you can also turn off the music and play with only the flight sounds.

Your mission is to defeat a fixed number of enemies each mission. Your targets will always be aerial ones. You can shoot a cannon (which ammunition is unlimited) or missiles (8 per mission). If an enemy shoots you a missile, you can try to avoid it using the stealth mode (pressing the start button) once per mission. The stealth mode will automatically turn off once you pass out of the danger. If you manage to accomplish the mission perfectly, a bonus round is offered, and you have to try to take down as many enemies as you can.

The game can be played by one or two player taking turns. A second player can also take control of the aircraft closest to the center of the radar, either in one or two player mode.
Espagnol Al mando del Stealth Advanced F-117 Tactical Fighter (el famoso bombardero F-117), se te pedirá que realices varias misiones peligrosas para destruir las amenazas graves de ataques terroristas en el aire. Tiene a su disposición una poderosa ametralladora de gran precisión, un lanzamisiles bien equipado y muy eficaz, y el modo opcional STEALTH, que le permite volverte invisible a la vista y proyectar ondas ultrasónicas para interrumpir el radar enemigo.
Français Aux commandes du Stealth Advanced Tactical Fighter F-117 (le célèbre bombardier F-117) vous serez chargé d'acomplir un certain nombre de missions périlleuses consistant à anéantir des menaces sérieuses d'attaques terroristes par les airs. Vous avez à votre disposition un puissant mitrailleur d'une grande précision, un lance missile bien équipé et très efficace, et en option le mode STEALTH, qui vous permet de devenir invisible visuellement et de projetter des ondes ultra-soniques afin de pertuber les radars ennemis.
Un simulateur de vol plutot réussi, dont les musiques ne manquent pas de fun. On regrettera cependant que le jeu soit si peu varié, et aussi long pour le coup (aucun moyen d'obtenir de vies supplémentaires d'alleurs, ce qui est assez traumatisant quand on sait qu'à l'écran de Game Over, on peut tout recommencer... si on en a enore envie ! ) Bon jeu quabnd même, qui sera apprécié par petits et grands, sauf si vous avez perdu votre âme d'enfant joueur invétéré de la NES.

Italien Stealth ATF è un simulatore di volo in cui piloti un F-117A, alias Nighthawk, in diverse missioni.
nnAll'inizio e alla fine di ogni missione devi rispettivamente decollare e far atterrare il tuo aereo, da una vista laterale. Se non riesci ad atterrare dopo aver completato gli obiettivi target, non riesci a portare a termine la missione e quindi devi rigiocarla.
nnLa tua visuale durante il volo è dall'interno della cabina di pilotaggio e il gameplay offre totale libertà di movimento in volo. Il tuo terreno è infinito e i tuoi nemici riappariranno nel tuo radar ogni volta che volano fuori portata. Voli in luoghi diversi, come il Medio Oriente, l'Alaska, il Pacifico, ecc. Durante il volo, puoi anche disattivare la musica e riprodurre solo i suoni del volo.
Portugais Stealth ATF é um simulador de vôo no qual você pilota um F-117A, também conhecido como Nighthawk, em várias missões.

No início e no fim de cada missão, você deve decolar e pousar seu avião respectivamente, de uma vista lateral. Se você falhar em pousar depois de completar os objetivos alvo, você não terá sucesso na missão e, portanto, terá que repeti-la.

Sua visão durante o vôo é de dentro da cabine e a jogabilidade oferece total liberdade de movimento durante o vôo. Seu terreno é infinito e seus inimigos reaparecerão em seu radar sempre que voarem fora de alcance. Você voa em diferentes locais, como Oriente Médio, Alasca, Pacífico, etc. Durante o vôo, você também pode desligar a música e tocar apenas os sons do vôo.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .